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The evolution of mobile technology has revolutionized it from a mere communication tool to a versatile platform capable of handling images, videos, documents, and controlling other devices such as TVs. The Android OS gives developers the flexibility to create applications that meet the diverse needs of users. This shift has made smartphones indispensable, supporting tasks from browsing to entertainment and productivity. The popularity of Android ensures seamless integration with existing hardware for efficient application performance. This research aims to design a smart home device control system, focusing on lights and fans via Android on an Arduino Nano microcontroller. Android's affordability and development through third-party applications make it ideal for smart home systems. Integrating the Arduino Nano and the EMS Blue Shield Bluetooth module improves convenience and energy efficiency. Its limitations include control of basic functions (lights, fan speed) and Android smartphones with Bluetooth. This study aims to design a practical control system and understand the device operation and Android communication. The test results of data transmission response time (latency) show that the average response time of the system for five days is 122.3 ms, with small variations and standard deviations between 2.81 ms and 3.92 ms. The range of response time ranged from 118 ms to 130 ms.


Mobile Technology Android Smart Home Control System Arduino Nano

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