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Along with the rapid development of technology, of course, making the security system more sophisticated, efficient and innovative. Internet of Things (IoT)-based security is one of the options for implementing technology in the security sector. With the existence of IoT, every community can keep their vehicle safely through a protection or monitoring system. In this study, the authors design and manufacture a Motorcycle Security System using Face recognition and Bluetooth-based Keyless as a motorcycle lock and a SW-420 vibration sensor as a theft detection. The theft detection system is also supported by a telegram notification service when there is an indication of theft on a motorcycle. The motorcycle protection control system with Keyless on this System can function only at a distance of 0 – 8.35 meters between the iTag BLE module and the ESP32 microcontroller. In other control systems, face recognition verification services can be carried out at a minimum user distance of 25cm and a maximum user distance of 50cm. While the protection system with a vibration sensor has a working logic truth of 100%. In the next development, a device with better hardware specifications is needed so that the performance of the control system has a wider range of detection values

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