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Advances in science and technology play a role in realizing a better human life. one of them is the
advancement of electronic technology that has been inherent in human life. Studying diligently is an
obligation of a learner, not only to pursue an achievement, but learning also helps to be more focused
on doing something. However, not a few people easily experience fatigue in studying, one of which is
fatigue in the eyes, this fatigue arises due to the lack of lighting in the room where we study. Lighting
requirements are regulated based on the decree of the minister of health No. 48 of 2016 regarding the
amount of irradiation needed to be able to carry out activities effectively and SNI 6197: 2020 where
various kinds of activities and work carried out have the required lighting standards. In this study,
looking for the set point value and the amount of lux needed to be accessible through the android
application, looking for the amount of pwm value needed for each % of the manual setting of the
lamp, and looking for the size of the voltage input measured in each test.

Article Details


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